Perry and Lora just made it back to Pittsburgh after a very exciting trip to High Point for this years furniture market! We were all thrilled to see the fun new pieces as we are sure you will be too!! enjoy!
“Turquoise helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word. It presents as a friendly and happy color enjoying life.” -
“Turquoise recharges our spirits during times of mental stress and tiredness, alleviating feelings of loneliness. You only have to focus on the color turquoise, whether on a wall or clothing and you feel instant calm and gentle invigoration, ready to face the world again!”
“The color of a Turquoise will make you feel happy and relaxed, for it combines the light blue of the sky with the invigorating green of the seas.”
“Too little turquoise in your life may cause you to withhold your emotions, resulting in secrecy and confusion about your direction in life.” -
“The color turquoise is a good color to aid concentration and clarity of thought as it calms the nervous system, gives control over speech and expression, and builds confidence” -
“If you are apprehensive about saturating your home with bright colors you can always introduce different shades through small accent pieces such as artwork, rugs, pillows and lamps.” - Allison Iacurci